
Monday, April 2, 2012

Use My Tangle!

I can't express how honored and excited I was when I checked The Diva's challenge today. Laura has chosen my tangle pattern Huggy Bear for this month's Use My Tangle challenge.  I have such respect and awe for Laura's work.  Thank you Laura for this.

I was actually thinking that I would skip the challenge this week.  I am looking at a busy week as spring break begins on Friday.  We are heading out to do some camping and that means a week of planning and packing.  There is also a wedding ZIA that I am racing to finish before the big day.  Of course once I saw the challenge I had to get right down to it.  I chose tangles that would be quick for me to do.  I wanted to get his posted quickly so I can concentrate on seeing all of the faboulos tiles you all make!

In addition to Huggy Bear, I used Gingham, Oof, and Beeline.  I also kept the shading to a minimum. 

Thanks again Laura for this opportunity.  Your tile is wonderful and I ADORE how you used Huggy Bear.  What a fun way to vary it.  I can't wait to see what everyone does!


  1. Thanks for sharing your lovely tanglepattern. I like the way you used the shading.

  2. Thank you for inspiring us with one of my favorite patterns! Your tile reminds me that a tile need not be complicated to be beautifully PERFECT!

  3. Your Huggy Bear patterns is great. I still have to make my tile but I will soon. Thanks for sharing! love 'n greetz, Ellen

  4. Thank you for the inspiration for this weeks challenge. I enjoyed Huggy Bear and including Allium just seemed right. Take a deep breath and enjoy the rest of the week!

  5. Happy Day! Hugs for your huggy bear!!

  6. Thanks for creating such a versatile tangle. I have enjoyed using some of your other tangles too. It is nice to see how varied it can be.

  7. I enjoyed using your tangle. It has so much possibility for variations, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of it in tiles for months to come. Thanks for sharing!

  8. When I was doing Diva's challenge with your tangle 'Huggy bear', I foud myself also using Alium. Later on I saw that this tangle is also yours! Thank you so much!!

  9. Thanks for sharing your Tangle :)

  10. Thanks for sharing your tangle. I had so much fun with the challenge. :)

  11. Thanks for an amazing tangle JJ. It has quickly become one of my favorites!

  12. Hey JJ!! it was fun tangling Huggy Bear!! you can do so much with it!!
    Allium and Arc are other two tangles that I love to use!! thanks for sharing

  13. Thanks for sharing this pattern. It has been fun seeing what everyone is doing with it. You have some very creative and fun to use tangles.

  14. Thank you for your insirational tangle pattern. I was out of town with out a computer or fancy phone, so didn't have any access for two weeks. But so many beautiful tangles done with your pattern.
