
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Nifty Sixty!!

The Diva's challenge hit week sixty this week.  The challenge was to use just two tangle patterns in the challenge.  The two patterns were Cirquital and Munchin two patterns that I have never used before.  I love the look of Munchin but have never tried it before.  I'm not sure but it has intimidated me in the past.  Cirquital hits all of my "problem" areas.  Those being circles and curved lines.  Mine never come out as I'd like them to so I tend to shy away from them.  But, this challenge was to bring us out of our comfort zone and out I was.

I started with using 60 as a string.  There was a little too much open space for me so I added another circle in there. I drew my Cirquital first and played with varying it up a bit.  I think that the design is a bit severe when I draw it so future uses will be trying to soften it up a bit.  I do like the overlapping of the curved lines though.
Next I started the Munchin.  I worked on adding random dots in the upper left side and going from there as the steps indicated.  I had some awkward spots though and I was unsure what to do with the empty places.  I decided to color them in black.  Next I tried doing Munchin in a less random way, starting with one triangle and then adding the next to it and so on.  That worked for a bit but I ran into the same issues again.  Then I tried a combination of the two approaches and  like it OK.  I still need to play with Munchin a bit to get comfortable with it but I did enjoy using the pattern.

I did this tile early in the week but then life got in the way so I'm posting this late.  Often I find myself getting tiles finished in no time at all but then the challenge is getting my boys off the computer so I can blog about it.
I hope you all know how much I enjoy your feed back on my tiles.  Please know I do see and love your work as well but sometimes getting to comment is just more than I can manage.

As always, thanks for looking and commenting.  I hope you enjoy this one.

1 comment:

  1. The variety of variations gives us something fun to enjoy!
