
Monday, March 12, 2012

Paradox Spiral

Marizaan van Beek a CZT from South Africa is hosting The Diva's challenge this week.  What a challenge it is!  Marizaan challenged us to use paradox in a spiral.  Every time I see a triangle, I am prepared to fill the space with Paradox but to put Paradox in a spiral?  Hum, that was a mind bender.  However, I decided to jump right in and see what happens. I have learned that sometimes tangles look very different when used in a new way.  What can it hurt?

I drew a spiral on the tile and got started.  It wasn't so hard really.  I don't make Paradox as lovely as Marizaan does, but I don't think I do so bad.  (You should click the link above and seemarizaan's tile.)  There were times though that I was afraid that the spiral would get lost in the drawing.  I decided to go in with a 05 micron and draw the spiral with a heavier line.  I also made a small black oval at the center to make a definite end to the spiral.  After I got the spiral done, I decided to keep it simple and use Paradox in a square for the background.  As for shading, I kept it SUPER simple and just shaded the spiral line and around the outside of the spiral itself.

This was a great challenge Marizaan thank you so much for it.  Spirals are usually something that I don't use very much but I have to say, after this challenge, I am certainly going to explore more.  Your tile is beautiful.


  1. Thank you JJ LaBarbera, it is for me a great honor to tangle with the best. Love your photographs and your tile. Best Marizaan

  2. What a beautiful spiraled paradox!

  3. Very pretty "braid" of paradox sitting on the background.

  4. Very nice. I love the way you did the background.


  5. Nice idea and a great 3D effect.

  6. reminds me of a paper i read about the logarithms in escher's prints. :)

  7. Great idea to combine a curvy Paradox with the straight grid version. Nice tile!

  8. I don't know about you, but I kept thinking of Escher's prints while I was working on my tile. I think this turned out great! Your shading was perfect to pop the spiral. You should be very happy with this. :)

  9. I like the use of it in the background - great idea!

  10. Excellent shading and contrast with the background. Gives it an almost 3d feel.
