
Monday, June 6, 2011

Zendala Magic

Boy was I ever excited to see that the challenge this week is to create a Zendala!  I am working on a piece inspired by India and I needed some more inspiration.  This challenge couldn't have come at a better time.  All last night I was looking at sari patterns on line and an India pattern book to help me with the next direction on my piece.  Finally I just put it away, resolved to come back today with some fresh eyes.

After I was up and fully caffeinated, I pulled up the Diva's Challenge to see what was in store for this week.  Awesome! It's zendala's!  Also, this week is guest hosted by Genevieve Crabe, a super talented CZT.  Genevieve shared with us a zendala template to get us started. 

I ran to the printer and printed out the template and got it transferred to my paper and outlined it with my micron.  I was really moving and then it came time to add the patterns.  STOP!  I was frozen not knowing what to add first.  What pattern would work?  I've only done one other zendala before and it was a very simple design.  So, I paused, checked out flickr and flipped through my books and sat some more.

I always do this.  I am often stymied by blank space.  What to fill it with? Which is the "right" one? Finally I decided to use keeko around the outer edge.  I like how keeko looks as a border.  I've used it before with good results and said "Hey! Go for it!  You won't finish if you don't start."

As I was working, I used the printout of the template to test tangles to see if I like them first.  I know it isn't very "zentangle" of me to do that, but it saves me some regret later.  Here I can erase and do again.

Finally, I got everything all worked out and got to tangling.  Here is the final result, unshaded and shaded.
Thank you to both Laura and Genevieve for another wonderful challenge!


  1. Love it! The center is very cool.

  2. Very cool! I like the wicker edge on it.

  3. Thanks so much for showing your process. I really liked seeing how you got from the beginning to the fabulous end!

  4. P.S. You are not a wanna be artist! You are definitely an artist! There is no denying it -- the evidence is very apparent! Hooray!

  5. Beautiful work - your shading adds a subtle effect that totally brings it to life.

  6. Thanks all! I'm glad you like it. I'm off to try my hand at it again using the big template this time.

  7. I love it! Like Carol I like the process! It is so important how you get there.
    When I grade the children in my art-class I always have to take a look at their sketches, their process!
    Well done!

  8. Love it! It's neat how you created a square out of a circle in the middle ring.

  9. It's very cool to see how the shading affects the black and white drawing. Very nice!

  10. Hey, if you enjoy testing the patterns out first, test the patterns out first. There's nothing wrong with that in my book. :D Nice!

  11. Great even with out the shading, but love it even more with it!

  12. Lovely, JJ. Keeko showed up on my Zendala too. (I never look before I draw and I post, honest!)

  13. I think your Zendala is super Janice! Keeko is fun isn't it?

  14. Thanks for looking and commenting everyone. You all make zentangles even MORE fun!
